About company

The main activity of the Adentalsolutions company is providing dental clinics and laboratories with all the necessary materials and tools for prosthetics. Since 2023, Adentalsolutions has been a dealer of one of the leaders in the production of abutments, titanium bases and other prosthetic components – the Titanium Implant Solutions company, whose production is located in Romania.

Our staff consists of professionals in their field, each of whom is competent in their work and will be able to answer any question regarding the dental materials offered. Our specialists monitor all innovations in the field of dental materials and strive to ensure that the highest quality innovations appear at your disposal in the shortest possible time. We are confident that our many years of experience and great capabilities will help you navigate the endless sea of ​​dental products and make the right choice.

Our company actively uses a flexible system of discounts on all available dental materials and instruments, providing an individual approach to each client and assistance in choosing the necessary and affordable dental materials. ​​​​​​​ Our clients are the largest clinics and laboratories in Bulgaria. By becoming our regular customer, you will no longer have to waste time searching for high-quality dental products – you will be able to fully concentrate on your work, and we will deliver everything you need in the shortest possible time and at attractive prices.